Steroban Red/Blue Elastic Cohesive Riplite Tearable Bandages — 5cm x 4.5m | Pack of 12

Steroban Red/Blue Elastic Cohesive Riplite Tearable Bandages — 5cm x 4.5m | Pack of 12

Steroplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage (EAB) | White — 10cm x 4.5m

Steroplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage (EAB) | White — 10cm x 4.5m

Steroban Red/Blue/Tan Elastic Cohesive Riplite Tearable Bandages — 7.5cm x 4.5m | Pack of 12

100 % of 100
The #1 choice for sports physios. For quick, on-the-go use. A latex-free elastic cohesive bandage constructed for extra-easy tearing without losing its compression benefits.

For targeted support on smaller areas, Steroban's 5cm x 4.5m Red/Blue Elastic Cohesive Riplite Tearable Bandages in a pack of 12 are ideal.
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Steroban Cohesive Riplite Bandages — 7.5cm x 4.5m
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Product Name Qty
Riplite - Blue - 7.5cm x 4.5m - Pack of 12 (SKU: 1662RL)
£26.34 £21.95
Riplite - Red - 7.5cm x 4.5m - Pack of 12 (SKU: 1672RL)
£26.34 £21.95
Riplite - Tan - 7.5cm x 4.5m - Pack of 12 (SKU: 1660RL)
£26.34 £21.95
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The #1 choice for sports physiotherapists in the UK. Makes Bandaging Easy.

All the innovative benefits of our highly popular Steroban Elastic Cohesive Bandage with added efficiency. Steroban Cohesive Riplite is easier to tear than other cohesive bandages, helping you deliver first aid, aftercare, or sports injury treatment quickly without the need for any other equipment. Tear Cohesive Riplite lengthways and widthways with ease, and don't be held back when you need to apply a bandage in any situation.

Why use Steroban Cohesive Riplite?

  • Cost-effective Steroban can be used, washed and reused; ideal for regular sports players or long-term injury support. 
  • Steroban Cohesive Riplite sticks to itself. No pins, clips, or fasteners are required to hold it in place.
  • The non-slip coating of the bandage means it retains excellent traction and doesn't budge once it has been applied.
  • Steroban Cohesive Riplite is latex-free.
  • The bandage conforms easily around the contours of the body, making wrapping even joint areas easy and comfortable. 
  • Each individually wrapped roll of bandage is kept clean and protected until use.
  • Quickly removed and reapplied when required.
  • The bandage maintains consistent compression support across the entire area that it covers, helping to support the body comfortably.
  • Cohesive Riplite's self-sticking property means it will not stick to a patient's skin, hair or clothing, making removal painless and comfortable.
  • Each roll has a generous 4.5-metre stretched length
  • Also available in 5cm x 4.5m

Steroban Elastic Cohesive Bandage Range

Steroban Cohesive Riplite is a specialist product developed from our Steroban Elastic Cohesive Bandage product. Our elastic cohesive bandage comes in a range of colours, including black, red, blue, green, yellow, white, tan, and an assorted box. It also comes in four different widths from 2.5cm to 10cm, so you can choose a tailored product. 

Steroban Elastic Cohesive Bandage is our original cohesive bandage and bears the same innovative benefits as our Riplite version. But many sports therapists, athletes, and orthopaedic doctors prefer Cohesive Riplite because it is so easy to tear, making bandaging quicker and streamlining the process. 

Where is Cohesive Riplite better used over Elastic Cohesive Bandage?

In some situations, we recommend Steroban Cohesive Riplite over Elastic Cohesive Bandage, thanks to its efficiency.

  • Steroban Cohesive Riplite is the first choice for many sports injury therapists and sports first aiders as it can be quickly and easily ripped and used on the field, pitch, court, or anywhere else in no time. 
  • Cohesive Riplite is excellent for use in veterinary care for treating animal injuries as it can make bandaging much easier. It also does not stick to hair or fur and so can be easily removed.
  • On-the-go healthcare professionals and therapists love Cohesive Riplite because they don't need any scissors to use it. It takes up no space in their kit and can be grabbed and used in an instant.
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