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PDI Sani-Cloth® Detergent Wipes | Alcohol-Free Disinfectant, Multi-Surface | 150 Canister | Pack of 6

£11.04 £9.20

PDI detergent wipes impregnated with a low-level detergent, suitable for spot cleaning and damp dusting on virtually any non-porous surface. Fast, effective cleaning made easy.

Availability: In stock

Your go-to choice for quick spot cleaning and damp dusting of surfaces, equipment, furnishings, and more.

Sani-Cloth® Detergent Wipes are designed for multi-surface general cleaning and damp dusting. They are the ideal general-purpose wipe in healthcare, medical, care home, and commercial cleaning environments.

The wipes are formulated to thoroughly remove dirt from almost all surfaces, providing a convenient and effective way to clean and remove debris before disinfection. The cleaning detergent has a low smear, biodegradable formulation that leaves surfaces visibly clean.

PDI Sani-Cloth Detergent Wipes are impregnated with the active ingredient dimethyl oxazolidine, a mild antimicrobial agent that helps to break down and clean away dirt particles. The wipes are also lightly scented with lemon fragrance to give your environment a fresh feeling. 

For full details, consult the Sani-Cloth Detergent Wipes safety data sheet.

Choose From Five Dispenser Designs

Different environments (size, cleaning protocols and procedures, etc.) all require unique cleaning solutions. Thanks to the breadth of businesses we supply with infection control disposables every day, we understand this. 

To meet the needs of all businesses, PDI Sani-Cloth® Detergent Wipes come in five different dispensers:

  1. The easy flow packet: the smallest option, good to keep handy in drawers and on worksurfaces, easy to transport around and can be kept as part of the contents of a cleaning basket.
  2. The cylindrical canister: a slim canister containing a roll of wipes that can be easily pulled and torn. Canisters come in 100 and 150 wipe options. We also stock brackets to fix your canister to a wall or a pole for extra easy access when someone needs to grab a wipe.
  3. The bucket: the largest option for busy environments like hospitals and nursing homes. Each bucket contains 225 wipes, and refills packs are available. The heavy, stable bucket design means it can be set down in one place, like a cleaning station.
  4. The dispensing bag: a soft bag containing 225 wipes that can be installed into a hard-shell dispenser or stored away to save space.
  5. The refill pack: 300 wipes in a refill pack to be used with the bucket to save money and waste less. 

Benefits of PDI Detergent Wipes

  • The detergent wipes are made with low-level detergent, antimicrobial dimethyl oxazolidine, to break down and sweep away dirt. The formulation is biodegradable, and the wipes come with a fresh lemon fragrance.
  • Sani-Cloth Detergent Wipes are made in the UK to meet British safety, quality, and reliability standards. Like all PDI products, they are CE marked.
  • Each wipe is made from tough, high quality, non-linting material that gets into hard to reach places to help you clean.
  • The wipes do not leave residue or lint fibres for a clean finish that makes disinfection easy.
  • The pre-threaded canister is ready for use immediately. The deep well lid keeps the first wipe moist and safe, prepared for use. The snap-close top keeps the whole roll of wipes fresh. 
  • Each wipe is pre-dosed with the detergent solution, helping you clean with even coverage without over or underusing the product.
  • Wipes come in five different dispensers, depending on your needs. Refills are available to help you save on costs. Each dispenser is ergonomically designed to be easy to carry, transport, or store, depending on its use.
  • The yellow packaging makes the wipes readily identifiable as a PDI detergent range product. There is also a bracket to attach the canister dispenser to a wall in your facility.
  • The disposable wipes are conducive to high levels of hygiene and efficient cleaning protocols. There’s less chance any staff will reuse old cloths and transfer dirt.
  • Generously sized wipes cover large surface areas to make cleaning easier and faster.

Where can Sani-Cloth Detergent Wipes be used?

The mild but powerful detergent in these wipes means they can be used almost anywhere. Detergent wipes should be available for staff to clean beds, mattresses, chairs, bedside tables, toilets, examination furniture, and curtains. 

They can also be used to clean down touchpoints like door handles, windows, railings, and buttons before disinfection. Detergent wipes should be found easily by your staff at cleaning stations, and anywhere else you need to have quick access to wipes to promote cleaning in between appointments or procedures; or generally to keep your environment clean throughout the day. 

The detergent wipes are also useful when cleaning up small amounts of blood, urine, and other potentially infectious fluids to allow for disinfection.

We stock other useful wipes that help businesses keep their environment clean and operations hygienic, including PDI Sani-Cloth® AF Universal  Wipes, and PDI Sani-Cloth Food Probe Sanitising Wipes

About PDI, Infection Control Experts

PDI has been helping healthcare, sanitation, medical, nursing, and commercial businesses of all kinds keep infection transmission to a minimum with innovatively designed disinfection consumables. 

In addition to detergent wipes, find suitable disposables for the job here. PDI creates disinfection and detergent wipes healthcare professionals trust, including alcohol wipes, quat-based wipes, and bleach-based wipes:

We also stock personal body, hand, and face wipes by PDI’s gentle Hygea brand, as well as wipes specially designed for newborn skin:

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